
Posts by

Debangshu Chanda

I am a Content Writer with a decent amount of experience in the technical and business sector.

Inbound Marketing Analytics

Inbound Marketing Analytics: Uncover key points in the customer journey and Improve marketing performance

To obtain insights into the performance of your inbound marketing initiatives, analytics is vital. It also eliminates the guesswork of what to do next by providing you with concrete data. So, if you don't measure the performance of your marketing effort, you won't know how well your inbound marketing program is functioning and where you need to make improvements.

Are there any vital inbound marketing KPIs to keep an eye on in your inbound marketing campaigns?

Several of our clients and marketing partners ask us this question. Analytical data is a goldmine. Most marketers find it difficult to keep track of multiple reports and data. This section focuses on the following combinations of reports and metrics. As an Inbound Marketer, you must keep track of these metrics in order to make better data-driven decisions and achieve Inbound goals.

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predictive analytics buying journey

Engage Customers Through Out the Journey with Predictive Analytics

It's no longer a linear funnel, but rather a meandering trip that continues long after the sale has been completed as consumers become increasingly digitally linked.

As a result, marketers need to have a deep grasp of consumers and their intentions at every step of the customer lifecycle in order to capture and maintain their business.

In addition to increasing customer interaction with brands through digital channels, companies are now collecting larger amounts of data about their customers. This gives organizations the chance to gain actionable customer insights through predictive analytics.

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How to Audit Your HubSpot CRM Portal?

HubSpot is one of the most powerful marketing platforms for businesses to automate their marketing and sales channels, maintain customer relationships and resolve customer queries. As a business owner or manager, it is important that you utilize the HubSpot marketing platform to the fullest extent possible by mapping business processes with HubSpot’s features and benefits. However, there are easy to miss implementation flaws that can lead to a large number of problems. So, it is important to perform HubSpot audit to know all the HubSpot issues as early as possible before the organization has spent a large amount of money on it.

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7 SEO Strategies for SaaS Marketing

So you have a SaaS company.

Naturally, you want it to grow, become well-known, recognizable, and grow profit.

While it’s not an easy goal to achieve to begin with, there are also hundreds of other SaaS companies that have the same objective. How do you stay ahead of the competition and grow your SaaS sales? The answer is simple—SEO strategies.

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Marketing Automation Essential Elements

10 Essential Elements to Consider When Planning for Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is not just about turning on a switch and walking away. It's a long term investment that requires a lot of time and dedication to ensure that you're getting the most out of your investment. That's why it's crucial to enlist the right professionals who are familiar with automating your marketing. Since my years specializing in automating my companies' marketing, I've continued to grow as an expert in this space. Over the last year, I've been increasingly recognized as a leader in automated marketing and have been featured in many industry publications. In this article, I discuss about the 10 key elements that should be considered when planning for marketing automation.

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HubSpot lifecycle stages

HubSpot Lifecycle Stages Explained, How to Use The Stages, Usage Best Practices and Benefits

If you’ve ever wanted to learn about the HubSpot lifecycle stages, now is your chance! In this article, we’ll be taking a deep dive into what each stage of the lifecycle is for and what tasks are involved. We hope that by the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how to use the HubSpot lifecycle stages in order to best help your business.

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